June 24, 2011

Kawaii/Kitsch Decor, part 2.

The next time you're at the dollar store or your favorite craft store make sure to add "magnets" to your shopping list.  I buy mine in rolls, but I don't recommend them.  The rolls are hard to keep flat, they curl at the ends, so they don't stick very well.  You wouldn't have this problem if you buy the ones that come in strips or the small circular ones.
What do I want these for you ask.  Weeeeeeeell, with these you can dress up your fridge (or locker) with just about anything.  Just peel and stick a bit of magnet to Barbie accessories, old jewellery or hair clips, small toys, anything really, and you have a cute, personalized magnet.

My fridge has a Barbie-sized lunchbox, Hello Kitty Shrinky-Dinks, a tiny guitar, and small wooden garden tools to hold photos and my shopping list.

I suggest hitting the thrift shop for vintage kid's hair things, brooches, Barbie shoes, puzzle pieces, board game bits (Scrabble tiles to spell out messages?), or buttons. 

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